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Gain the skills and knowledge you need to be a capable Certified Nursing Assistant.
Our Programs
  • old woman assisted by her caregiver to dress upHome Health Aide Training Program
  • old man assisted by his caregiver to walkCertified Nursing Assistant Program
  • female caregiver serving a glass of water to her patientPersonal Care Aide Program
  • old man and his caregiver First Aid and CPR

There are tons of employment opportunities for those who want to be CNAs. The demand for Certified Nursing Assistants is expected to increase due to the rise of the aging population and patients with chronic illness. If you’re interested in a career in the healthcare industry as a Certified Nursing Assistant, you can work in either home health care or community-based care. CNAs can also work in hospitals and assisted living communities.

When you enroll in our Certified Nursing Assistant program, you will be taught how to provide basic nursing care in various settings, like in patients’ homes, hospitals, and nursing care facilities. You will also be taught how to handle patients with various conditions, like cognitive impairment, diabetes, and more. Our training includes:

  • Helping patients bathe
  • Taking patients’ vital signs
  • Administering oxygen
  • Administering oral and topical medications
  • Providing special care for seniors
  • Delivering special care for infants
  • Work to control infections
  • Assist patients with personal care
  • Performing emergency care beyond CPR
  • And more

Enroll Now!